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EVENTS > Eventing
Posted by Vicki Burgess on 05/09/2014.
Add to your Calendar 14-09-2014 08:00:00 14-09-2014 08:00:00 Australia/Sydney Equestriad ODE and Hunter Trials Equestriad ODE and Hunter Trials Location Bicentennial Equestrian Park, Exeter Rd, Camden 2570 [email protected] Eventing Equestriad
14th September 2014

Equestriad ODE and Hunter Trials


Come and see one of Australia's finest events ALL ON THE ONE DAY.

Canteen by PHEASANTS NEST PRODUCE, scrumptious food.

CNC Class details –   all phases on one day, 
Hunter trial (jumping and/or x-country) entries on day
This is NOT a hendra vaccinated event.


CNC 3 star class, test FEI 2014 3-star A
CNC 2 STAR class, test FEI 2009 2-star A
CNC 1 star class, test FEI 2009 1-star A
Draws will be on Equestriad's website Wednesday morning. click here.
Please do not worry the secretary. 

Hunter Trial riders:  There is a draw for the cross country and we would like to stick to it as much as possible to ensure everyone gets a run. There may be some shuffling around but if everyone is considerate it should work out fine. We need to ensure there is a horse on course every minute so be ready early in case of no-shows so we can keep the day running and don’t run out of daylight!

You will be issued a back number for each cross country round so remember to change numbers if you are riding a second round!! For XC rounds 60cm, 80cm or 95cm, these are between 8am and 9am. 1.05
rounds available around 1pm. Each showjumping height has approx 6-10 place available.  Access to the start for the 60, 80, and 95 course will be via the Pony Club grounds where the dressage is being held.

Hunter Trial Showjumping: I have just put up block times for the Showjumping so make sure you turn up and jump at the height you want. NOTE: If no-one comes and jumps at 8am, then there will not be enough time and we may run out of time later. So jumping early is to be recommended!!

The marshalls will have a list and your name will be ticked off – no numbers required for Showjumping.

The Hunter Trial will be run as practice rounds only.
Cross Country from EvA 105 down to EvA60 ($35 on the day - places limited by available daylight)
Jumping from 1* down to EvA60 ($12 on the day)


