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NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian New South Wales on 29/08/2019.

Official Class Entries

Recently, the number of riders competing in official classes in breach of the rules has been increasing. 

Under the Equestrian Australia General Regulations and Disciplinary ByLaws, to compete in official classes:

  • The rider must be a current financial member of Equestrian NSW;
  • Your horse must have Full Registration with Equestrian NSW;
  • All owners on the Horse Registration must be current financial members of Equestrian NSW; and
  • Your horse must have a current Equestrian NSW performance card/competition licence for the discipline you are competing in.

If you don’t, you’ll be in breach of the rules and fined: $100 for the first offence, $200 for the second and up to $500 and/or suspension of up to six months for third and subsequent breaches.  You’ll also lose any grading points and points towards annual or series awards.

It's up to riders to know and comply with the rules.  Please click here to see the relevant rule.

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